A Message from the President and CEO
A Message from the President and CEO
A Message from the President and CEO of the Registry
Welcome to the Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Administration. It is a great privilege for all of us involved in “The Nature Island” of the Caribbean to offer ship owners, operators, and mariners an opportunity to join a world-class international shipping registry that prides itself on serving the shipping community with the best of support possible in a clear and transparent way. Our service to our customers is second to none! We have constantly been told by new customers that they wish they would have flagged their vessels with the Commonwealth of Dominica years ago.
Our industry only thrives if we faciliate compliance and the tools to do so! Compliance means revenue and great ship operators and owners aren’t interested in cutting corners. Our dedicated staff and global offices understand the necessity of a customer service focused Maritime Administration. Customer service is our number one priority. We don’t expect any of our customers to have to wait for answers for days or weeks – we answer all emails within a 24 hour period. We are on call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Our website is a useful tool for our customers and is becoming more important for our customers to receive the information that.
Our mariner and seafarer training and certification program is exceptional by worldwide standards. We have a global training network through our host institution, Northeast Maritime Institute – College of Maritime Science, which has affiliate schools using our STCW Approved Northeast Maritime Online – NEMO courses for all ratings, officers and engineers. Please see www.northeastmaritimeonline.com to save time, money and travel away from home during much deserved vacation time. Each affiliate school falls under the management of NMI’s head school in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, U.S. A., which is approved by the Massachusetts Department of Education, and the United States Coast Guard. This is possibly the most ground breaking program that any ship registry has to date for mariner and seafarer development. The program is solid, once a seafarer enrolls in a course it is his or hers for life and it becomes part of their vast personnel learning management portfolio.
Shipowners can have peace of mind when hiring mariners who hold original Commonwealth of Dominica Certificates of Competence. Our mariner certification program is listed on the International Maritime Organization’s “White List” of Nations as a fully compliant program under the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certifications and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) for issuance of original and endorsed Certificates of Competence.I hope that you will consider our Maritime Registry for the flagging of your vessels. I’m positive that you will be happy, the customer service will amaze you and our support will ensure that your profits grow!
If you haven’t registered a ship with the Commonwealth of Dominica yet, I suggest that you register at least one vessel with us. I can personally promise you the best service and the most responsive assistance to your companies needs. Full stop! We know ships, we worked on ships, we managed ships and we train some of the best mariners and seafarers in the world. Give us a try.

Eric R. Dawicki
Deputy Administrator of Maritime Affairs
Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Administration