The Commonwealth of Dominica Mariner and Seafarer Licensing and Certification program is a comprehensive solutions-based training, certification and maritime human resources support program that gives international seafarers the ability to come directly to the flag state Administration for their training and certification needs. This program gives “full and complete effect of the International Convention on Standards of Training and Certification for Watchkeepers and Seafarers, 1978, as amended (STCW).” Dominica is recognized as a “White List” nation allowing mariners to receive their original “Certificates of Proficiency” (COP) and “Certificates of Competency” (COC) through the STCW Code.
Mariners and Seafarers may receive their original certificates and endorsements directly from this administration or may have their original COP’s and or COC’s issued from another administration “Endorsed” by the Commonwealth of Dominica Office of Marine Personnel. Mariners and Seafarers wishing to transfer their original COP’s and/or COC’s to Dominica originals may do so by simply taking a written examination once their original COP or COC is validated by the originating administration.
Dominica Endorsements
If you are looking for a Dominica Endorsement of a foreign license, for both Officers and Ratings, see the information below:
Officer Endorsement
Good day! In order to receive a Dominica Endorsement to a foreign COC, you will need to submit the following:
- Completed Application Form
- Recent Medical Form
- Record of your sea time
All fees will be as follows:
- CRA: $50 (A temporary 90-day Certificate will be issued electronically upon our receipt of a complete application until we are able to issue a full-term Endorsement.)
- Endorsement: $175
- ID book: $75
- Courier: $100
Rating Endorsement
Good day! In order to receive a Dominica Endorsement to a foreign COC, you will need to submit the following:
- Completed Application Form
- Recent Medical Form
- Record of your sea time
All fees will be as follows:
- CRA: $50 (A temporary 90-day Certificate will be issued electronically upon our receipt of a complete application until we are able to issue a full-term Endorsement.)
- Endorsement: $175
- ID book: $75
- Courier: $100
Submit Your Application
To submit your Application, please submit your required documents via the email below.
Online Training Courses

Take your training courses and examinations online through Northeast Maritime Online – NEMO°, the Commonwealth of Dominica’s primary approved training provider.